Canadian Shark Attack Registry


The Canadian Shark Attack Registry is the only database of all known shark incidents in Canada. The data is compiled, verified and updated on a continual basis by the St. Lawrence Shark Observatory. We also provide behavioural insight as well as safety recommendations for anyone venturing where sharks may be present.

Canadian Shark Attack Registry2023-10-20T22:19:05-05:00

Registre canadien des attaques de requins


Le Registre canadien des attaques de requins est la première base de données des incidents recensés de requins ayant entraîné des blessures ou des décès au Canada. Nous fournissons également des informations relatives au comportement des requins ainsi que des recommandations de sécurité préventive pour toute personne s’aventurant là où des requins peuvent être présents.

Registre canadien des attaques de requins2023-10-20T23:18:18-05:00

Canadian Shark Attack Registry


The Canadian Shark Attack Registry is the only database of all known shark incidents in Canada. The data is compiled, verified and updated on a continual basis by the St. Lawrence Shark Observatory. We also provide behavioural insight as well as safety recommendations for anyone venturing where sharks may be present.

Canadian Shark Attack Registry2024-05-14T13:49:28-05:00
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