Fisherman bitten while tending lines on the Grand Banks

Case number: 12
Date: <1924
Location: Grand Banks, Newfoundland
Incident type: Attack on boat — Code: HR
Species: Unknown
Possible cause(s): Bait in water (Provoked)
Result: Injury
Status: Unconfirmed
Description: A fisherman, Joe Folsom, was reportedly¹ bitten on the hand by a shark while tending lines from the schooner Cape Ann at the extreme western edge of the Grand Banks.

Assessment: There is too little information to confirm the fisher was actually bitten, let alone by a shark.

 Click here for boater recommendations.

¹ Charles Edward Russell. (1929). From Sandy Hook to 62°. Sandy Hook Pilots Association. Pages 310-311.
(Background) Schooner Atlantic by Charles Edwin Bolles (Public domain).
Misrepresented and misunderstood, sharks play a critical role in North Atlantic ecosystems, but they are under increasing threat due to their unfair reputation, pollution, and a lack of public awareness. Please donate to help us study and protect the sharks of the St. Lawrence and Atlantic Canada before it’s too late.Donations to ORS, an all-volunteer charitable not-for-profit organisation, are tax deductible in Canada. Canada Revenue Agency #834462913RR0001


“Fear and indifference bite deeper than any shark.”— Jeffrey Gallant, St. Lawrence Shark ObservatoryTax deductible in Canada
CRA #834462913RR0001
Misrepresented and misunderstood, sharks play a critical role in North Atlantic ecosystems, but they are under increasing threat due to their unfair reputation, pollution, and a lack of public awareness. Please donate to help us study and protect the sharks of the St. Lawrence and Atlantic Canada before it’s too late.Donations to ORS, an all-volunteer charitable not-for-profit organisation, are tax deductible in Canada. Canada Revenue Agency #834462913RR0001


“Fear and indifference bite deeper than any shark.”— Jeffrey Gallant, St. Lawrence Shark ObservatoryTax deductible in Canada
CRA #834462913RR0001